The special-interest group working with the Hutt City Council to find ways of re-establishing motorised recreation along the Eastern Hills Firebreaks.

This group is also engaging with Upper Hutt City Council over the extensions into Johnson’s Road. We had to fight a major battle for access, but we won in the Environment Court (see article here). Negotiations with Upper Hutt City Council and the developers who want it closed, continue.As for the firebreaks themselves, the plans are now well underway to regain access, and a resource consent application will be filed soon we hopeOnce the application is filed, it will likely go out to public submission. Watch out for strong opposition to our plans, but we are still confident that we can make it happen.Insurance has already been arranged, and the red-tape such as Safety Plans and entry compliance are all under review.Watch this space for detail of our inaugural event, hopefully within the next few months.In the meantime, if you want to volunteer to help, visit our Contact Us page above.